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Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

1.1 These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of our website.

1.2 By accessing our website you accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue to use our website if you do not accept these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions.

2. Copyright notice

2.1 All the copyright of this website, including the texts, images, photographs, multimedia applications and other elements contained therein, are owned and controlled by Nest Collective, with the exception of the content provided by our licensors, advertisers or business partners.

2.2 Nest Collective reserves all the copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website.

2.3 Nest Collective reserves the right to use the information provided by the user to conduct recruitment processes, as well as for making contacts to promote initiatives and services.

3. Permission to use website

3.1 You may view our website pages in a web browser and print the pages for your own personal and non-commercial use.

3.2 It is expressly forbidden to publish, reproduce, disseminate or distribute in any form our contents or images on this website, making them accessible to third parties for marketing purposes or by making them available on any other way (electronic service, virtual forum or hard copies).

4. Limitations and exclusions of liability

4.1 No person or entity involved in the creation, production or distribution of our website will be responsible for any losses or damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the contents. The user accepts that these provisions apply to all content included on the website.

4.2 The access to our website does not dispense the prior knowledge of the general conditions for the use of its content and respective services, which implies that the user and the visitor have full knowledge of them.

4.3 Nest Collective is not responsible for the quality, safety, functionality, legality or lawfulness of the links and resources referenced outside our website.

4.4 It is expressly forbidden to any user to create or introduce any types of viruses or programs that alter or damage the functioning and the contents made available through our website.

4.5 Nest Collective does not guarantee that our website will function uninterruptedly or be free of errors.

5. Privacy and Security

5.1 Our website guarantees its users privacy and security in the data provided, with only the necessary data being requested and collected, as described in our Data Policy.

5.2 If requested, the data subject has the right to obtain access, rectification or deletion of the data provided.

5.3 We assume the following commitments to site users:

— Proceed with data processing in a lawful and fair manner, collecting only the information necessary and pertinent to the purpose for which they are intended;
— Allow the data subject to access and correct the information about himself / herself, transmitting it in a clear and strictly corresponding language to the content of the registration;
— Do not use the data collected for purposes incompatible with the collection;
— Keep the data accurate and, if necessary, current;
— Ensure the express consent of the data subject whenever this is required;
— Guarantee free of charge the right to delete the data used when required by the holder;
— Have security systems that prevent the consultation, modification, destruction or addition of data by an unauthorized person to do so and that allow the detection of intentional or unintentional information deviations;
— Respect professional secrecy in relation to the data processed;
— Do not perform interconnection of personal data, unless legally authorized or authorized by Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD).

6. Security and Use of Information

6.1 The user has the possibility to request the update or deletion of its personal data. For this, an email should be sent to the following address:

6.2 Nest Collective collaborators and partners are bound by confidentiality regarding the data to which they have access in the context of the operations of the respective computer base, being duly informed of the importance of complying with this legal duty of secrecy and being responsible for complying with this obligation of confidentiality.

4.3 Nest Collective is not responsible for the quality, safety, functionality, legality or lawfulness of the links and resources referenced outside our website.

4.4 It is expressly forbidden to any user to create or introduce any types of viruses or programs that alter or damage the functioning and the contents made available through our website.

4.5 Nest Collective does not guarantee that our website will function uninterruptedly or be free of errors.

7. Reservation of Rights

7.1 Nest Collective reserves the right, without prior notification, to change these Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy.

8. About Nest Collective

8.1 This website is owned by Nest Collective, Lda., registered in Portugal under registration number 514680938.

8.2 You can contact us by:
Avenida Sá da Bandeira, no. 33/35 - 2.a fase – 6º
3000-351 Coimbra